Intercity Geometry Seminar 2020    
Perverse filtrations, Hilbert schemes,    
and the P=W conjecture for parabolic Higgs bundles    
after Junliang Shen and Zili Zhang    
Some references
The $P=W$ was originally conjectured by de Cataldo,
Hausel and Migliorini ( arXiv
link). This original paper provide a proof in the case of
rank 2 bundles. The recent papers of Junliang Shen and
co-authors prove the conjecture in different set-ups using the
combinatorics of tautological classes of Hilbert schemes of
points: moduli spaces of parabolic bundles (subject of the
seminar, arXiv link),
genus 2 curves ( arXiv link),
and an analogue of the conjecture for compact hyper-kaehler
manifolds ( arXiv link).
Videos and notes of the talks
The videos of the first talks will be uploaded on a private youtube channel. Send an email to your local organisers to obtain the link to these videos.
Some notes of the talks.
Higgs bundles and the non-abelian Hodge correspondence, by Lenny Taelman pdf.
Introduction to perverse sheaves, by Lie Fu pdf.